"I participated in Linda’s 2018 Visioning and Planning Retreat.
The writing of my vision for my work and personal lifestyle from now to 2021 was effortless. I left with clear priorities and goals ready to make my vision reality.
I had reservations that I wouldn’t be able to sit still and stay focused but the workshop was very different than anything I had done before. There was a loving feeling within the participants of the group.
In the first week following the workshop several of my goals and vision have already come to surpass.
As the CEO of my corporation I can’t tell you how important this is to me.
- Dr. Dan Smith, D.C.
I was taking my career in a new direction…
When I contacted Linda, I knew I was taking my career in a new direction but needed some help finding my way. Linda was instrumental in helping me discover, articulate and develop my calling. She guided me from a place of having a passionate idea to creating a business plan. As I move forward in developing my business, Linda has helped me keep perspective on my progress and stay on track with my vision. She has also given me practical business development strategies. Compassionate, thoughtful and smart, Linda always reminds me of my priorities and gently uncovers my trouble spots. She is a sensitive and caring person, who draws on her business training, many years of coaching experience and her considerable intuition to help clients flourish.
- Darby Furth Bonomi, Phd, Consulting Psychologist & Parent Educator
I stretched to allow myself to imagine the possibility…
“Working with Linda opened up my thinking beyond what I imagined was possible. Instead of thinking “I can’t afford,” I focused on what I wanted. I stretched to allow myself to imagine the possibility of buying a new car, a house, and finding an avenue for teaching.
The combination of looking at what I wanted, creating a plan, and getting clear financially, opened doors that I didn’t know were there. In four months of working with Linda, I lowered my debt, increased my savings, bought a car and purchased a condo. To topif off, a college professor called, out of the blue, and offered me a teaching position at my Alma Mater.
The result is that I have more balance in my life and I am a happier person! A small change in my thinking produced a radical change in my actions and in my life. It is amazing what can be accomplished when you set out to find and follow your calling.”
- Haydn S. Adams, Nautilus Designs
A dream took on a life of its own...
“My passion is teaching karate. I’ve been practicing a Japanese style of karate since I was 10 years old. I had a dream of opening my own martial arts school. After working for many years in the corporate world, it seemed like an impossible dream to create a business doing what I love. With Linda’s guidance and encouragement, I clarified what it would take to make it work financially. Once I did that my dream took on a life of its own.
I am now in my 4th year of having my own dojo (the Japanese word for school). Another revelation from my work with Linda was realizing that I could free up 80 hours per month by dropping one stream of income. Withthatclarity I replaced that income within one week by adding a few new students to an existing class! The dojo continues to grow organically at a pace that allows me to enjoy my life and do what I love–teach karate as a way of learning and practicing the way of peace and harmony.
- Shihan James Henry, Mojo Dojo Karate